Continuous Improvement Mixed Practice Exam #2

Before we move on, let's take a quiz!!!

I want you to pretend like you're taking the real CQE Exam!

So get out your Exam Day Guide, and practice using it to answer questions!

Remember, in the actual exam you have less than 2 minutes per question, so you should finish this quiz in less than 30 minutes!

Also - if you want even more practice exams...

Check out the bonus lectures at the end of each chapter!

CQE - Pillar 5 - Continuous Improvement - Exam -2 - Questions.pdf

Don't Look at the Answers without attempting every question!!!!

When you are done. . . .

Check out the last page of that exam.

I break down each question into which chapter it came from.

That way you can identify gaps in case you might need to go back and brush up.

And don't worry if you struggled, that's all part of the learning process!

CQE - Pillar 5 - Continuous Improvement - Exam -2 - Answers.pdf
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